Marching Otago Judges
Marching Otago is proud to have a panel of judges that reflect a high level of skill and knowledge of the marching sport.
Each judge has completed the New Zealand Marching training programme which includes a level of shadowing before their official judging begins.
We welcome anyone interested in joining our judges panel and encourage you to make contact and enquire about what’s involved with the training. We would love to see more judges join our Marching Otago family.
If you’re interested in becoming a judge, click on the button below to request information on the training.

Meet Our Judges
Click on the picture of each of our judges to learn more about them and their passion for judging.
Our Judges
Sheree Mason
Chief Judge
I have been a judging for over three years. I marched as a young girl and later on a joined a leisure team. I love meeting new people through judging and I also enjoy judging for other associations. I like the challenge of learning something new.
I really love watching the teams and seeing the new plans. It’s always great to catch up with my fellow judges. I’ve recently been appointed as Chief Judge for Marching Otago, I am really looking forward to working with them in this role.

Donna Hayes-Cox
I have been judging for more than 25 years. I started as a leader at the halt judge, then I was a fall-in (review) judge and then I became a display judge. I was a nationally acceded judge in all three positions. I have judged Island Champs and Nationals in all positions.
I become a judge because my mum, Gwen Hayes, was a Tech D judge and my sister, Kaylene Mokoutu, was a Tech B and Review judge. I have been in marching since I was seven years old. My mum and my best friend’s mum started up the Skyliners marching teams in Halfway Bush. We had two midgets, one junior and one senior team. I have been in involved in marching for over 48 years. I have marched, coached, judged, been Publicity Officer for Marching Otago and chaperoned when my daughters marched. I got to make some amazing uniforms and I’ve met some amazing coaches, girls, and judges. I’ve been the Chief Judge for Marching Otago, now I’m just judging and enjoying it.
I love judging. I want to give back to the sport. I love getting to see the teams improve from week to week as. I improve myself each year by learning more every time I go out there. I love the travel and getting to see lots of other teams. I love the friendships you make.

Viki Kingsley-Holmes
I have been a judge for over 18 years. I trained as judge because I wanted to stay in the marching community but didn’t have the time to march myself. I have always loved watching displays and Otago Marching needed another display judge at the time. It’s what you do for family.
I marched for four teams. I did two seasons with Kingston Guards, one season with Mangos Lancers, one season with Ngatahi then three with Onyx. I was also a coach for the Kiwis for a few seasons. I’ve also been a committee member/publicity officer. I did all of this before the age of 20.
I love being a judge. We are helping teams get to their peak. I love watching them improve and meet their goals. I also enjoy the comradery that comes with being on a panel. You’re effectively a team. Learning from seasoned judges and watching new judges come through is also a buzz.

Olivia Leonard
I have been a Tech C for over three seasons and really enjoy it. I always thought judges were the bees knees. When I was a young marcher I would have my friends do their technical drill in front of me and I would pretend to be a judge.
I marched in Canterbury for twelve seasons and in Otago for one season before transitioning into judging. I really enjoy watching teams progress throughout a season, especially teams with new marchers. It’s always so inspiring watching how hard they work. The group of judges in Otago are really fun and supportive with impeccable baking skills.

Celine Robertson
I’ve been a judge for over 5 years. I had been coaching and marching, I wanted to learn about another aspect of marching.

Judith Caldwell
I have been a marching judge for over 5 years. I have previously been a leisure marcher. I enjoy judging and making sure I judge correctly. I enjoy improving as a judge and being able to judge at different marching competitions.

Katharine Simonsen
I first started marching with my sister when I was 10 years old. A couple of my friends were in a marching team and started showing me some moves at school – that was the beginning for me. I first trained to be be a judge 20 years ago. Donna Hayes-Cox was my Chief Judge when I started training. Her mother Gwen judged technical so she taught me what she knew. I love it when I mention to a team something in particular they could improve on and then I see at the next competition that they’ve been working on it. That’s really rewarding, knowing that the feedback I give as a judge is helping teams grow.